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spiritual retreat center

spiritual retreat center

gaia sagrada


Thousands of students from multitudes of countries are enrolled at University of Metaphysical Sciences.


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Having the reputation of being the best school of its kind, with the most thoroughly researched courses in many spiritual subjects, University of Metaphysical Sciences has set new standards in the field of metaphysics.


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Study at your own pace while you work, stay at home, or travel.


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University of Metaphysical Sciences

University of Metaphysical Sciences is a distance learning school offering Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate D.D. and Ph.D. degrees. UMS is also a sponsor of Gaia Sagrada Spiritual Retreat Center, and helped to fund the building of this beautiful place for spiritual study.

Thousands of students from multitudes of countries are enrolled at University of Metaphysical Sciences. Every day thousands more are downloading free materials, written, audio and video, and participating in the online community of University of Metaphysical Sciences. Besides the curriculum for Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate D.D. and Ph.D. degrees, UMS offers free online non-curriculum activities, worldwide meditations, webinars, teleconferences, retreats and classes.

University of Metaphysical Sciences is a non-profit distance learning facility, offering downloadable courses from the internet, or delivered via postal mail. Study at your own pace while you work, stay at home, or travel and make your own schedule.

University of Metaphysical Sciences brings professionalism to the field of metaphysics and the credentials are within your reach.

Having the reputation of being the best school of its kind, with the most thoroughly researched courses in many spiritual subjects, University of Metaphysical Sciences has set new standards in the field of metaphysics that other schools have yet to achieve. University of Metaphysical Sciences was the first to see a real need for a structured educational path in the many areas that metaphysics covers. UMS is continually researching, developing new courses, and expanding as the emerging field of metaphysical education and careers continues to expand, evolve and grow. No other metaphysical education compares to UMS. It is a dynamic university that grows with the changes as humanity awakens, discovers and evolves.

What The Courses Are Like

Students learn about prominent spiritual concepts and methods offered by thousands of spiritual traditions, teachers, and writers in the world. Besides receiving extensive written material, which serves as a reference library you will utilize many times in the future, you also receive meditation classes on CD or downloadable MP3 formats. The meditations guide you through various techniques that would be taught in a live classroom situation. This way you still get the experiential aspects of a metaphysical education as if you were attending a live class.

You can talk with faculty and other UMS students about course subjects in our online interactive functions, including the exam dialogues with UMS teachers, forums, chatrooms, webinars, and teleconferences.

Our curriculum is designed to give students a well-rounded education in all areas of metaphysics. As a practitioner, healer, teacher or leader, the graduate will be more effective in his or her work with others after an education at UMS.

UMS In Other Countries

UMS is also in the process of opening branches in other countries, translating course materials into other languages, and creating global connections and community between like minded people on the planet. Utilizing interactive online methods to bring a global community together, UMS is launching new ways for students as well as non-students to connect with each other no matter where they are in the world.

You can become a true professional in the growing field of metaphysics.
Do your part to lead the world into peace
and a higher understanding of life.

Even though the curriculum at UMS is far beyond expensive metaphysics degrees, we at UMS do not believe these degrees should be out of financial reach. University of Metaphysical Sciences is a true non-profit 501(c)3 organization and keeps its prices as low as possible so people of all income levels can study and attain their degrees.

In this day and age of coming need, people will be turning to spiritual teachers, healers and leaders for answers in their search for truth. It is becoming increasingly important for metaphysical teachers and healers, who will be assisting others in understanding their spiritual nature, to have credentials and a comprehensive education in metaphysics. The University of Metaphysical Sciences (UMS) is here to meet that need.

Having a degree gives prestige and professionalism to your practice, classes, or other endeavors. It shows that you have taken the time to get an education, which takes a certain level of commitment and knowledge. It will be quite useful if you plan on writing books, teaching classes, healing, counseling, or traveling the lecture circuit. There are many opportunities in these respected careers if you have a Ph.D. or D.D.

The University of Metaphysical Sciences curriculum serves both the beginner and the advanced student. For advanced students who have been practicing metaphysics for many years, the curriculum will fill in the gaps in their knowledge. As a beginner, the student will find most of the common concepts in spirituality metaphysics organized in one place in an orderly fashion, instead of having to piece it together with self help books and workshops. In the long run, attending University of Metaphysical Sciences is more cost effective.

Study at your own pace while you work, stay at home, or travel. Students receive information which will serve as a large reference library for lifelong use. In addition, recommended reading lists are given with most subjects, which serve as a guide for further personal study if the subject interests the student deeply. An education at University of Metaphysical Sciences is an investment well worth the good it will do for a career as a metaphysical teacher, healer or leader.

We appreciate your visit today, and look forward to serving you!

University of Metaphysical Sciences
(also known as University of Metaphysical Science)

Please help us raise money for our Non-profit endeavors without spending anything! You can help just by the searches you already do on the internet by using Goodsearch (powered by Yahoo)

Also read about the UMS Founder's philosophy about UMS, money and why she receives such a small paycheck even though she could be rich!

Mission Statement
The Definition Of Metaphysics
Why Metaphysical Sciences?
How Long Is The Program?
Are There Careers In Metaphysics?
What Are the Courses Like?
How Were The Courses Created?
What Will I Learn?
Roster Of Writers and Teachers
Why Get A Doctorate Degree?
Laws For Teaching & Counseling
Ministerial Ordination
How Your Ministerial Status Works
Course Books
Transfer Of Credits or Previous Degrees



University of Metaphysical Sciences is a non-profit distance learning facility.


gaia sagrada


The meditations guide you through various techniques that would be taught in a live classroom situation.


gaia sagrada


Having a degree gives prestige and professionalism to your practice, classes, or other endeavors.


gaia sagrada


In this day and age of coming need, people will be turning to spiritual teachers, healers and leaders for answers in their search for truth.


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